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Permian Basin Intro [ UTD GSS PRODUCT ]

Geological introduction for Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico. UTD GSS PRODUCTS.


1. Permian Basin—Texas State Historical Association article (

2. Dutton S. P., Kim E. M., Broadhead R. F., Raatz W.D., Breton C. L., Ruppel S. C., and Kerans C., 2005. Play analysis and leading-edge oil-reservoir development methods in the Permian basin: Increased recovery through advanced technologies: AAPG Bulletin, V89(5), P553–576.

3. Robert Rapier, 2016. The Permian Basin keeps on giving: Forbes Online.

4. Jude Clemente, 2017. Texas' Permian Basin: An oil and natural gas production machine: Forbes Online.

5. Frenzel H. N. , Bloomer R. R. , Cline R. B., Cys J. M., Galley J. E., Gibson W. R., Hills J. M., King W. E., Seager W. R., Kottlowski F. E., Thompson III S., Luff G. C., Pearson B. T., and Van Sielen D. C., 1988. Chapter 3. The Permian Basin region:The Geology of North America Vol. D-2, Sedimentary Cover—North American Craton: U.S. The Geological Society of America, P261-269.

6. Hill R. J. , Jarvie D., Claxton B., Burgess J. and Williams J., 2003. Initial Investigation of Petroleum Systems of the Permian Basin, USA: 21st International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Krakow, Poland, 8-12 September, 2003: An investigation of petroleum systems of the Permian basin, USA. Presentation.

7. Permian Basin History Records: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (website).

8. GSA Geologic Time Scale


9. Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Permian Basin province of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico, 2007: USGS Report.

10. Mazzullo S. J. 1995. Permian stratigraphy and facies, Permian Basin (Texas-New Mexico) and adjoining areas in the midcontinent United States. Book: The Permian of Northern Pangea. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

11. Hills J. M., 1972. Late Paleozoic sedimentation in West Texas Permian Basin: The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. V56 (12), P2303-2322.

12. Leary R J., Umhoefer P, Smith M E, and Riggs N., 2017. A three-sided orogen: A new tectonic model for Ancestral Rocky Mountain uplift and basin development: Geology - Geological Society of America.

13. Weeks L.G., 1985. Habitat of oil: The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Samson Exhibit 10, NMOCD Case Nos. 13492/13493. P20-30.

14. HIS Markit 2017. Prolific Permian Basin Reaches Second Production Peak in 2017, Eclipsing 1973 Levels by More Than 25 Million Barrels, IHS Markit Says.

15. Permian Basin map at Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory.



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